Aircraft Information
Registry Forms
Application for Change of Address
When to report a change
This form allows you to change the physical or mailing address on record
Here’s a direct link to help you:
When to report a change
This form allows you to make a change or transfer the aircraft’s ownership to a new individual, company or trust, changing a managing owner’s name, etc.
Here’s a direct link to help you:
First-Time Registration
When to report a change
This form allows you to begin a new application to register an aircraft with the FAA.
Heres a direct link to help you:
Aircraft Mortgage
When to report a change
This form allows you to file a mortgage or security conveyance on the FAA Registration of an aircraft.
Heres a direct link to help you:
Replacement Aircraft Registration Certificate Request
When to report a change
This form allows you to order a replacement of the aircraft’s Certificate of Aircraft Registration when the original has been lost, damaged, or needs to be replaced.
Heres a direct link to help you: